This book is dedicated to those individuals who keep an airplane flying…
To the Owners…who invested in their dreams of today and their futures of tomorrow
To the Executives and Managers…who made the tough decisions that affected everyone
To the Pilots…whose fearless aviation abilities either made or broke the aIrline
To the Flight Attendants and Cabbies…who were there to help everyone if things went wrong
To the Engineers…(the unsung heroes) who kept the airplanes flying, many times under very tough conditions
To the Dispatchers and Flight Ops people…who made it all happen
To the Support Workers…whose pride and dedication made all the difference
To the Rampies and Dockers and Cleaners…who had the best view and the biggest dreams
And To All The Pilots and Engineers Who Flew West Far Too Soon...
especially my amazing daughters, Hanna and Marissa for encouraging me to write this book
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Find yourself a comfortable seat and
get ready for a great ride...
Fasten your seat belts for exciting flights through the adventure filled skies of Canada, Europe, Asia, Africa and the Indian Ocean with this entertaining and informative book by Jimbo Pearce.
In his first book, Rainbows and Thunderstorms, he relates stories of courage, humour, adventure, tragedy and many of his aviation misadventures.
He introduces you to the colourful and interesting characters that he met along the way. You’ll discover how Jimbo mastered the skills of flying with basic instruments and how he aviated all over Canada’s west coast as well as over vast and remote areas around the world.
You will learn about some of the history of aviation in Canada and about the dangerous ferry flights from Canada to Europe and Africa made by young brave airmen (including Jimbo’s Dad) during the Second World War.
Prepare for take-off and for many thrilling rides with Jimbo Pearce, a seasoned bush and float plane aviator who has flown nearly 25,000 hours from 1966 until he retired in 2010.
Rainbows and Thunderstorms is available in Canada for $39.95 CDN (includes shipping)
Please allow 5-7 days for delivery in Canada

Rainbows and Thunderstorms is available in the USA for $44.95 CDN (includes shipping)
Please allow 7-14 days for delivery outside of Canada